Silent Uproar: Well I will start off with some basic questions. First off, how did the band come together?

Tim: About a year ago, me and Mark the singer got together because both of our band had just broken up and we had nothing going on so we decided to write some songs together. Then real quickly, we maybe had one or two songs going, that is when DeRoo and Mikey came in. Because Dave use to be in my band and Mikey use to be in the same band with Mark. We had a drummer going for a little while, but he didn't work out, so we called up Kris. We were going to do a demo with the songs we had and we asked him to do the demo. He heard the demo and was like, I would like to be in your band, fuck just playing on the demo. (laughs)

SU: Had Videodrone actually broken up yet when Kris joined the band?

Tim: No, not officially. They had been dropped from their label and they were thinking about doing some stuff, but Kris really wanted to do rock. He wanted to do some hard music, he didn't want to go back to that. Whatever kind of music Videodrone does. (laughs)

SU: A lot of bands have toured for years and built up a reputation that way, just based on touring. Do you feel that you cheated the system in a way by having all these labels after you while you were still a really young band?

Tim: No because if you look at Kris for example, he was in Videodrone for all those years and toured until they got a record deal. Then like Dave and I, when we were in Juice, we toured forever in a piece of shit van and had label attention, but never got signed. The same with Marky and Mike's band. So we have kinda been doing it for years. It is just when the five of us got together and started writing some songs that we started getting the attention. Actually we just turned the ear of a producer that heard it, we weren't even trying to shop it or anything. It just kinda snowballed from there. He wanted to do a demo, we did a demo in LA and some people came to listen to it the day we were done with it, and it just kinda snowballed. We were planning to do a demo and tour and everything. We weren't even trying to shop our stuff, it was just kinda a weird deal. Personally for me, it went form one week I am working at a gas station to two weeks later everybody wants to sign us. It was kinda weird for us. I don't really think we cheated because we have all been doing it for a really long time.

SU: Basically, you feel that you payed your dues while in other bands?

Tim: Yeah exactly.

SU: You guys once described your music as different than everything out there. What makes your music different?

Tim: I think it is probably how versatile we are as a band. Because most rock bands have maybe two or three principal writers, where as this band, we all write. All of us play guitar, all of us can play the drums. So I definitely think it is the versatility of the band. Where you have one song like "The Way You Like It", with kind of a hip-hop thing, not that we are hip-hop because we are not. Then you have a song like "Drowning" which sounds almost like a Pantera song...I don't think we are re-inventing anything, but I think that is what makes us sound different than everybody else.

SU: Well does the fact that all of you can play everything cause any problems when you are recording?

Tim: No because when we are recording, well obviously I am not a better drummer than Kris, and he is not a better guitar player than me. But if he has an idea, like he wrote the guitar part for "The Way You Like It", so if he has an idea then I go and make his idea for the guitar part better, and we all go in writing knowing that, say if I write a drum part, then I want Kris to take it and make it better. It is all about getting the jist of the ideas down and then we all just make our parts better.

SU: Basically, you just work really well together.

Tim: Actually more than any other band I have ever been it, it is kinda ridiculous. When we write there is no people at each others throats, and usually in most bands I have been, in it was always that way. But with this band, we write really well together.

SU: You are playing with a wide variety of bands in the next month or two. First off, how have the shows with Staind been?

Tim: They have been awesome. The guys in Staind are some of the nicest people you could ever meet. They look out for us too. Like you always hear horror stories about how opening bands get shitted on, but we have been treated very well. Cold has been really cool too.

SU: I see that you are getting ready to play some upcoming dates with Boy Hits Car, actually starting tonight right?

Tim: Yeah, we are.

SU: Are you looking forward to that part of the tour?

Tim: Yeah, I have heard their record a couple times and we have toured with them before. I really like their stuff a lot.

SU: So do you prefer playing the larger shows with Staind, or the smaller show with a band like Boy Hits Car?

Tim: Really, we have no preference, we just like to play live. We have played shows on this tour in Eugene Oregon, and we will go and play on a Monday in front of about 12 people, and we rock out hard for 12 people. Then we play in front of 12 thousand. It doesn't really matter as long as we get to play.

SU: So how long to do you plan to tour on this album?

Tim: Well, we want to go out over a year, maybe two. It just depends on what is going on with the record, and what we want to do. We definitely want to be on the road and we are always writing, so our next record will definitely be written on the road. So we will be out for a long time.

SU: Do you have any overseas touring plans?

Tim: We have talked about it, but we don't know yet. We talked about Europe and maybe Japan and Australia, stuff like that.

SU: Is there any possibility of you ending up on Family Values 2001 later this year?

Tim: Well, we are going out with Disturbed after the Staid thing, and I think that runs during the same time. So this year, probably not.

SU: Ok this ia a random one, what is your favorite magazine?

Tim: Uh, that's a tough one...can it be any magazine.

SU: Yeah.

Tim: I guess i would have to say Guitar magazine, (laughs) I read that all the time.

SU: On the song "Skin", why did you record the lyrics "Now you know why" backwards at the beginning of the track?

Tim: Why is that recorded backwards? Why don't you ask Mark.

Mark: Hello.

SU: Hey man, I just wanted to know why on the song "Skin", you recorded the lyrics "Now you know why" backwards at the beginning of the track?

Mark: You know what, I produced this song back in my hometown and we kinda screwed up on accidentally and that part played backwards, and I was like fuck man that's cool. So we just made a sample out of it and shot it backwards. It kinda sounds cool, it is rad that you know that. How did you know that it said that.

SU: I just read some stuff around the internet, and someone had taken it and recorded it and then reversed it.

Mark: That's cool man. Alright, here is Tim.

Tim: I big monsoon just hit us...What's up man.

SU: Alright, what is your favorite song off the album?

Tim: I would have to say "Trust" or "Drowning," that last two songs. I really like those two a lot. I like them all, but playing live especially, I like to play "Drowning."

SU: I know you recently filmed the video for "Giving In," do you have any idea when that is going to be released?

Tim: Uhhh....hold a second, let me make sure...I guess in a couple weeks. That is what I thought, I just wanted to make sure.

SU: I also noticed that Streetwise has been behind Adema since the beginning. Was that something your label set up, or did you already know somebody at Streetwise or what?

Tim: Streetwise? Actually I think we had known them before we had signed anything, and we knew we wanted to work with them. Because they help a lot of bands and there is a lot of exposure from that side.

SU: How important do you think Street Teams are to the success of the record?

Tim: To rock bands, they are essential. You have to have people to support you like that. It is amazing how that has worked out over the last years. Because like my old band Juice, we had a Street Team and we were unsigned, and someone on the Street Team actually got labels interested into it. So from that side, it is awesome, and it is even more awesome for a signed band to have that many people know who you are, and know about your record and listen to your songs before your record comes out. There is no other way to get you music out like that.

SU: What about online promotion such as fan sites and news sites like ours??

Tim: Again, that is the kind of stuff that makes things works. Like five years ago, you could play in your home town and that's the people who would know who you are. With the internet and sites like what you have, everyone can find out who you are. Everybody has access to your stuff.

SU: I know your album has been available online for a while now, did you know this, and if so, does that bother you at all?

Tim: Yeah, we know. Well thats gonna happen, you can't really stop it, that is the give and take of the internet. If a lot of people are going to find out who you are through the internet, then a lot of people are going to steal your music off the internet. So it is not upsetting because you can't do anything about it, so why worry about it?

SU: Do you think in the long-run it will help you more than hurt you?

Tim: Yeah, anytime you get exposure for free, I am sure it is gonna help you. Even off the internet, I mean how long does it take to download an album, you know. Plus, I like buying the CD and having the CD.

SU: Exactly. I get a lot of stuff off the internet, but I always go and buy the albums too.

Tim: Yeah, plus you get all the cool pictures and stuff too. (laughs)

SU: What is your reaction to how well your music is being accepted? You are pretty much all over modern rock radio right now.?

Tim: Yeah, it is amazing. You always picture gaining that exposure and having the opportunity for people to hear your songs, but you never know. Even if you know it is good, you never know if people are going to like it. So it has been kinda overwhelming and amazing to us.

SU: So do you feel famous yet?

Tim: Famous? (laughs) What's cool is we will be playing with Staind and stuff and we will see kids singing to the songs, that's pretty awesome.

SU: What is the last CD you bought?

Tim: Uh, I guess the most recent is the Megadeath Greatest Hits album. (laughs) Before that, I think the Linkin Park record probably.

SU: Are there any bands out there right now that you think people should know about?

Tim: There is a band out of LA I like called Void, they are pretty cool. Other than that, I haven't had a chance to catch a lot of live bands.

SU: If you weren't in a band right now, what would you be doing?

Tim: Geez, I would probably...I don't even know man, probably working at a gas station. (laughs)

SU: Well thats's all I have, you have anything you would like to say?

Tim: I just want to thank everybody that has been supporting us, and thank people like you for helping us out. That stuff is really important to us. That is pretty cliche, but thats all we care about.